Permanent eyelashes. Right choice or necessity?

Stunning appearance every day? We always want to look perfectly, however, we often cannot find the best method to obtain it. That is why we wander from one beauty salon to another searching for help. Permanent eyelashes are within every woman’s reach. All you need to do is to…reach. The question is how to do it.

Permanent eyelashesEyelashes are one of the skin products along with hair and nails. From the anatomical point of view, lashes are also hair but have varied roles and look a bit different. First of all, they are a lot shorter and the thinnest of all hair that covers human body. They play a key role for our body – protect eyes from impurities and damages. As the name indicates, permanent eyelashes are supposed to provide such protection permanently.

Do you know that…?

Human lashes perform the same function as cat’s whiskers. Such hair is delicate, sensitive to the touch and to external stimuli. Their task is to warn whenever an object is getting very close to the eye. It results in closing eyes automatically. Eyes are safe.

Nevertheless, for most women, the most important feature our lashes is their aesthetic function. Without them, our eyes would not be protected and the eyelid completely bald. That is why many girls decide to have permanent eyelashes done. It is almost impossible to image ourselves with no eyelashes. Especially for women who consider long dark lashes as a determinant of attractiveness. This is one of the foundations upon which our self-confidence is based.

Permanent eyelashes – how does it work?

Each eyelash has its own life cycle that is divided into stages, for example intense growth phase or lash loss. The average life of a single eyelash is from 3 months to half a year. This means that all lashes are exchanged at least twice a year, but never at the same time. Loss of eyelashes is a natural thing. Each day, we lose even about four lashes out of about 250-300 we have. We lose permanent eyelashes as well.

Therefore, it is impossible to improve the condition and appearance of eyelashes permanently. Permanent eyelashes are a complete nonsense and should be rather called semi-permanent. Both eyelash extensions and dyed eyelashes fall out at the end of their natural life cycle.

There are methods that can make lashes look naturally beautiful, regardless of their life cycle. Long, thick, shiny and resilient lashes are the effect of the use of Nanolash eyelash and eyebrow serum, which contains a complex of natural nutrients responsible for regenerating, protecting, strengthening and lengthening.

What are the methods for permanent eyelashes?

Growth stimulating serum is one of the alternative methods of lash extension, which is constantly gaining more and more popularity among women around the world. Apart from it, there are other, more or less effective ways for beautiful eyelashes. It is worth analysing all of them before making the decision.

Permanent eyelash extensions

The effect of defined eyes can be achieved in an artificial way. Women choose extensions mainly due to the immediate results. Even though you must spend a few hours at the beauty salon, permanent eyelashes (of a beautiful shape) are ready the same day. The effect lasts for few weeks and according to many women, it is worth the money. All eyelashes are even, shiny and very long. We have a direct influence on the effect by choosing features like: the length, thickness, or curl.

Unfortunately, permanent lash extensions have disadvantages:

  • they significantly burden and weaken natural lashes,
  • the effect is mostly artificial and sometimes even grotesque,
  • it is one of the most expensive lash treatments,
  • permanent eyelashes must be filled-in very often,
  • long and thick eyelashes fall out together with natural ones,
  • synthetic adhesives and fibres can irritate,
  • silk or mink lashes often sensitize.

Permanent mascara

Less popular, but still quite impressive method is to permanently cover-up eyelashes with a special mascara. However, it is impossible to ensure a spectacular eyelash lengthening or thickening with this method. In this case, the idea is to eliminate the need for using mascara on daily basis. Therefore, they are painted with a special dye once and the effect lasts for up to three weeks.

Permanent mascara has its drawbacks:

  • it does not have any influence on the density and the length of eyelashes,
  • the effect lasts only a few weeks,
  • the dye might cause sensitization,
  • after dyeing, lashes can significantly weaken,
  • the treatment will not provide satisfactory results for everyone,
  • permanent eyelashes are not worth the money.

Eyelash and eyebrow serum

Strengthening eyelashes from the inside is the best idea for long, thick and glossy lashes. If anyone says that it is impossible to obtain such an effect on a permanent basis, they are wrong. All you need to do is to use complex eyelash serum every day. Nanolash eyelash and eyebrow serum acts on the source of the problem – lash bulbs. It does not only cover up the problem but works naturally and in long terms. Therefore, in this case the term “permanent lashes” really means permanent effects. How is it possible?

Eyelash Conditioner - NanolashNanolash eyelash and eyebrow conditioner combines the best plant extracts and natural ingredients that provide intensive action. Just a 3 ml pack lasts up to six months. Its application is not problematic – with the use of a thin brush, apply your serum at the base of the eyelashes. We do not waste the product on the length of the eyelashes which makes the penetration of active ingredients to the inside of the hair follicle a lot faster and easier.

Effects that are obtained after a regular use of serum Nanolash are amazing:

  • Lashes up to 50% longer than before the treatment,
  • On average, the lashline is twice denser than before,
  • Eyelashes visibly thickened and darkened,
  • More flexible, soft and shiny eyelashes,
  • Strengthening and visible improvement in the condition,
  • The end of fragility and excessive lash loss,
  • Eyelash growth is significantly accelerated,
  • The effect of permanently beautiful eyelashes are obtained at a low cost.

This pays off! One package of Nanolash eyelash and eyebrow serum lasts much longer than regular mascara, eyelash extensions or permanent mascara effect. For the six-month treatment you pay a lot less than for a luxurious mascara. Additionally, the results will maintain even longer. There is also a way to keep your beautiful eyelashes in this state all the time. Simply use Nanolash twice a week to maintain the effects.

14 Comments “Permanent eyelashes. Right choice or necessity?”

  1. Milla

    permanent mascara is for girls who already have long lashes because in no way it will ingrease length. In my case, a regular mascara gave a much better effect

    • Veronica

      the effect is only good if you have long and full lashes and then this treatment makes sense

      • Alex90

        I had it done and I do not recommend it to anyone. It’s comfortable in the morning because you’re not wasting time for the mascara applicaton but the lashes are stiff ans dry. Then, I started using castor oil for a long time to moisturise them. In my opinion, this treatment damages lashes and the effects are not worth the hassle

  2. KaYaH

    I think that lash serums are the best solution I know that they are not suitable for everyone due to the allegic reaction tho

    • Pippa

      I am an allergy sufferer and I had to throw out the few serums I used due to horrible allergies. Luckily, this one is mild and gentle and nothing bad happened during the treatment

  3. Maggie

    No serum would ever bring any effects because I just can’t be systematic 😉

  4. Agnes

    coool article, it actually resolved many doubts I had, I finally know what to do 🙂

  5. Fiona

    has any of you used thi serum and was it really enough for half a year ?

    • Maddison

      Of course it’s enough. It is very efficient because you only apply small amounts. it worked wonders for me

  6. Emily

    eyelash extensions give the best effects. If you do it in a professional salon, your lashes will not get damages but it is important that it is done by a qualified person and the prodecure will not he harmful

    • Joanna

      I must disagree with you. I had my lash extensions done in the best salon in the city and my own lashes got very weak anyway. All of these kind of procedures have influence on the condition of your lashes and if they are not strong and healthy, it’s best no to do it at all

      • Caroline

        that’s why I’ve been using serums for years, it’s so good that there are some that increave lash length and there is no need to apply extensions

  7. Diana

    I’ve been using nanolash for the past six months and I can heartly recommend it. It really works the way it was described in the article

  8. Bonnie99

    I decided not to apply eyelash extensions becaue they overburden lashes and I heard that once you start appplying them, it’s hard to stop 😀


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